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Jesse Kindred

Hey, Kurt.  Seeing less and less of you lately didn't mean I was thinking less and less about you.  You've always had unique position in my life.  I remember the first time we ever spoke to each other.  It was at a high school football game.  You were in eighth grade, I was in sixth, and you were trying so hard to convince me that I'd said something offensive to your cousin, and then put on that grin of yours...that defining factor that let us know you were you.  Anyway, you patted me on the shoulder and admitted you were just trying to get someone riled up, then asked if I wanted to toss a football around beside the bleachers.  From then on, that's how we communicated...running after the guy carrying the football trying to knock each other into the dirt before the football could get tossed up and know the game.

I wasn't a very personable kid, but you didn't care.  If we had a good time, I was alright in your book.  My appreciation for you became even stronger in high school when you helped me come off as a "one cool dude" to the upper classmen.  You were the first to really put some confidence into me, and I feel I'll always owe my accomplishments in part to you.

I wrote a song for you and I play it on my guitar almost every time I pick it up these days.  My hope is that you'll receive the message, and that the tune fits your personality.  I think it does, or it wouldn't have come so easily to me.

You're a good soul.

"Ol' Red"

Dusty Mullinax
Dear Kurt: How's it goin up in heaven lil' buddy? Haha, I know you're chillin, probably playin those guitars of yours and ridin that harley you always dreamed of with Uncle Ricky. Man let me tell you, words cannot explain the pain I feel. I don't know what to do exactly or what to think. You were everything to me. I know it sounds kinda cheesy but man you'll never know how much I looked up to you. Out of every person I've ever been friends with you are the one who has shaped me, changed me, and sure as hell influenced me to do good and to do some crazy shit! Haha. All good things must come to an end though, but I didn't think the end would come this soon. I don't understand or can see why God had to take you from this world so soon. For the past couple of nights since you died you watched me cry myself to sleep. I haven't cried in 2 years. Of all the broken bones, cuts and bumps I've ever had, I haven't cried in the past 2 years and the day you died it all came out. Every morning I wake up now thinking my best friend is gone. The one person who knew me better than anybody. It's the most painful thing to wake up and think of you. Yet again, it's the funniest because I think of all the stupid shit we've done together! Every time I am riding my bike now I can feel you with me, I can feel you riding beside me. I use to be scared to go out riding on my bike but now I'm not because I know you're watching over me and riding with me. We have some good talks while riding and God knows I think of you all the time. There's been numerous times where I've wanted to just pick up the phone and talk to you. But then I realize you're gone and all I have to do is talk and you can hear me. I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that you're gone but I will have to learn to. I know this is a memories spot on your website but this is probably one of the only spots I can really type everything I want without having a typing limit, haha. Oh, and you gotta get off my back about speeding up on my bike haha! The whole way down to Atlanta that day you kept saying speed up, speed up, but you know what man... I'll leave that up to you! I know alot of people are selling their bikes because of what happend but man will you please tell them not to. Everytime I think of selling my bike I can hear you calling me a pussy in the back of my head haha. So trust me bro. I'll NEVER get rid of my bike! I'll always keep my bike in memory of you! Besides without my bike we wouldn't be able to ride together and have those long talks while we ride man. I'm sure you'll agree with me that there are too many memories of us to put on this page. Oh, and what can I say about tattoos!? You are 95% of the reason why I got hooked on tattoos! We always said we would get tatted up and trust me I'm going to continue to get tatted! Don't worry man, one BIG piece will be for you! You'll see it when I get it because you'll be watching me get it, but just wait till I have it drawn up you're gunna love it man. I don't really know what else to say man. My heart is broken, my best friend is gone to heaven and I can't see you again until my day comes. I know God has a plan for all of us and I know my days are numbered. But do me a favor man, give me a warning when my day is near! Haha, I love you with all my heart and soul man and if there was anything I could do to bring you back I would! Unfortunately God doesn't bargain. So have fun in heaven man, ride that harley and play those guitars because I can hear you man, I can hear every bit of sweet music you're playing! I love you man!
Tiffany Duck

Kurt i still cant believe you are gone! i will never forget when you came at talked to me at Smitty and Elys for the first were always trying to sweet talk :o) i remember when we went on a date to the movies with eric and abby..then went back to your house to hang out and watch a movie..when i was leaving i was trying to be quiet not to wake your parents up and i ended up rolling down the stairs in your made such a loud noise..all i saw was you runnin down after me yelling" OMG are you okay, i know that had to hurt" and you laughed at me and made fun..but i was laughing too..then your mom came in there and checked to see if i was embarassing..i had bruises for weeks...or the time you lit angie's hair on fire.she said "kurt did you light my hair on fire" you said "what" angie was like " KURT I HAVE hairspray in my hair" and you said "WELL YOU DIDNT TELL ME THAT" angie was like "I DIDNT KNOW I WAS SUPPOSE TOO"..hahah.yall went on forever about that..u had on a camo shirt, ripped jeans and these big huge brown boots that were unlaced and just hanging on your feet..we all said you looked like you came out of the woods...and the same night you sat on Ely's laudry basket and broke it..and all you did was laugh and kept sitting on it and it broke even more..Ely got a lil mad and told you to quit sittin there but u just kept laughin and acting goofy...or how bout on new years when you got soo mad and ripped your shirt many great times...and great laughs...i will miss you..i love you...

Adam Flowers
Man i'll tell you what i'll never forget. The time me,you,eric,and segraves drove to the old gsd buildings with a case a beer. You kept running up and to the door trying to bust it down and finally i just elbowed it in. Then we started walking through there and it was all dark, so we started lighting small fires to see our way through and drinking beer as we went. Then we got to the end and made a little fire in this room and walked out, and all of a sudden we started seeing all this smoke coming from that room and some of the fire had blown on to the wood on the wall and we started trying to put it out and then ran out of there trying to pick up our beer cans and get the hell out of there. Man we thought we had done caught it on fire. Man, the good times. Well, i'll keep representing for you and you do the same for me.You'll never be forgotten. much love, Adam
ashley bice

It doesn't seem right that you aren't with us anymore. I just sit and thought about all the crazy fun times that we had in the ER. The one that stands out the most is when I asked you to go down to the caferteria to get me *TWO* pieces of cinnamon toast..and of course you were happy to do it. Then you came back with just one piece and I asked where my toast was, and you said " I ate it on the way down here." I thought that was so funny!! And then how can we forget the time that you broke your ankle and couldn't transport the patients and I had to teach you how to do secretary...You did an AWESOME Job! You caught on very fast :) I could tell that you had enough when you decided to cut your cast off so you wouldnt have to sit there anymore! haha!! U were always being a daredevil in some way..I remember when you jumped off Smitty's house into the back of Mark's truck, you scared the crap out of me. and the time that we were in the break room and you climbed up on the lockers.. U silly boy :O)

I am going to miss you so much! But I know that we will see each other again oneday!! Look after us and keep us safe! I Love you and miss you Kurt!

<3 ashley

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